Monday, September 14, 2009

Catch this flight OR?

Flight Number CHANGE ready for take off
Shaky start because the runway is rough
Only the brave stand to be counted
In the midst of a people dejected.
Its time to become responsible for our Nation
In times of socio-edu-economic demotion
Its time to contribute our own little portion
Nothing is insignificant in providing a solution
Enough of Ndigboism and Afeniferism
It’s time to promote Nigerianism
This flight wont land without a good fight
Each one has to play his own part
Even if we got our independence without bloodshed,
Should we become slaves in our own shed?
If Congo, Sudan, Liberia and Zimbabwe don’t make us reason
We'd will be lucky to escape becoming another lesson
Flight No CHANGE ready for take off
A collective vision driven by love
Tiv, Ibibio, Fulani and Kanuri
There’s enough space for all and sundry